
Better Healthcare Services in Rural Areas in Australia

Due to new classification changes the District Workforce Shortage (DSW) and the Australian Standard Geographical Classification Remoteness Area (ASGC-RA) rural areas of Australia are set to have better healthcare services. We can thank the lobbying efforts of the Rural Doctors Network. These incentives schemes aim to attract qualified medical professionals to rural areas.

Working in rural Australia

The DWS and ASGC-RA have been long criticised for their insufficient and unfair classifications that do not address the issue at hand. Rural healthcare requires improvement, and therefore the new classification changes will aim to accurately determine the most underserviced areas, which will in turn receive help in the form of rural doctors.

The new classification will aim to incentivise doctors to work in rural areas to ensure rural healthcare services see significant improvements, and therefore the people living in these areas receive equal access to adequate healthcare. To learn more please refer to the Rural Health article on the Transforming the Nation website.

Rural areas of Australia require qualified healthcare professionals to improve their healthcare services. If you are interested in employment opportunities in rural areas of Australia, please contact us about our rural health jobs. You can make a difference to rural healthcare.